
Google Meet Grid View Getting Started

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Thank you for installing the extension, you can use grid view now


If you don’t know what to do next, please follow those steps

Go to https://meet.google.com/ -> join any call

google meet tiled view

Now, you will see the grid icon. Click that icon to active tiled view on Google Meet

Jigsaw Puzzle Game

Note: Click to enable, to disable click one more time. More custom settings hover the grid icon

Hope it’s helpful

Thank you for reading

Any problem please comment down below, I will reply as soon as possible!

The tutorial only works with Chrome. If you’re using Edge, please read this post: https://www.w3technic.com/tutorials/google-meet-grid-view-for-microsoft-edge-enable-grid-view-feature-on-google-meet-2020/


What is Google Meet Grid View?

Google Meet Grid View is an extension for Chrome allows users to add the grid view feature on Google Meet.
Adds a toggle to use a grid layout in Google Meet.
Google Meet Grid View allows users to adds a button to use a grid layout in Google Meet.
Google Meet Grid View adds a button to the top right bar (next to the chat & participant list) to enable grid-view in Google Meet.
Grid view gives every participant an equal-sized video for use in meetings without a primary speaker (such as working from home silent meetings ).
Google Meet Grid View forcibly loads every participant’s video camera, when the grid view is enabled and may cause performance issues in extensive meetings.
Includes a variety of options to enhance your meeting: have your video, highlight who is speaking, and hide participants without video!

Extension Privacy Policy?

This extension DOES NOT track any user data and therefore, does not have a detailed privacy policy. If this is insufficient, please email me at [email protected]


See also  Google Meet Grid View - 2 Simple Steps to Getting Started


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